Vacations are something that every student looks forward to. It is time
for lazing around, touring, playing, watching TV and movies, spending time with
friend and relatives, and what not...the list goes on. However, vacation was
the one thing that Bhagawan was always very concerned about. He provided a
sacred ambience in His educational institutions that facilitated selective
isolation of external influences on students, thus enabling them to progress in
a focused manner along the noble path. Therefore, come vacation and He was
always worried as to how His students would conduct themselves when they went
home. Would they retain the good habits that they developed in His Presence?
Would they resist yielding to the myriad temptations that the world amply
offered? Driven by His motherly concern, Bhagawan has, on various occasions,
provided guidelines to students as to how they should spend their vacations. He
has delved into the nitty gritty of daily conduct, food habits, service initiatives,
etc. This post presents a few excerpts of these gems of wisdom given by
Bhagawan to His students.
In no way is this compilation exhaustive. Bhagawan has spoken on so many
occasions giving His advice to students on such diverse topics that it would be
impossible to cover all of them in one posting. Therefore, we will bring more
of these gems of wisdom in later posts.
A point to be noted is that though Bhagawan apparently addresses students
of His educational Institutions in these Discourses, His message, as is always the
case, is universal and is meant for all students studying in any school or college
in any part of the globe.
There are six excerpts from Bhagawan’s Discourses presented in this
post. These have been selected from Discourses given by Bhagawan Baba during
the years 1996, 2001, 2005 and 2006.
In Clip-1, Bhagawan reminds the students about the great merit earned in
the past and the great good fortune that has brought them to Him. He points out
that students must engage in service when they go home for vacations, as
service is the goal of life. In Clip-2, Bhagawan cautions students not to be obsessed
with marks in the examination. He tells them not to keep an eye on “number” alone,
but to instead become a “number one” individual. In Clip-3, Bhagawan explains that
the fulfilment of having been educated in Sathya Sai Colleges lies
in serving one’s parents. Clip-4 deals with the details of maintaining good company,
tips on serving one’s mother and father and serving patients in hospitals. In Clip-5,
Bhagawan focuses on how transformation of parents can be brought about through ideal
examples set by their own children. Hence, He expresses His wish that teachers must
take up the task of transforming students. Finally, in Clip-6, Bhagawan talks about
ideal food habits and the responsibility of students to live up to the expectations
that the world has from students of Sri Sathya Sai Hostels.
Each audio clip has a name that adopts the following code: Serial
number, Title appropriate to the key content, Duration of the clip in minutes,
Year-Month-Date of the Clip. Below the title is the translation in English of
the select excerpt of the Discourse, followed by the audio player. The
post ends with a short quiz that would help you evaluate your absorption of
Bhagawan's Message from these extracts.
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01-It is
your great fortune that you have come to Swami-Serve parents and serve in
Samithis during vacation-2.06-1996 March 31
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Because of your past merit and good fortune you have come to Swami |
Even if good words are told from the depth of the heart, you do
not listen. But, you go out of the way to hear bad things. Can such people ever understand me? What is then, the use of all
this education?
You will not hear good words, but you will hear bad words with
both ears. You hear all this and spoil your mind. How can such ones understand
me? An ant wanted to know the depth of the ocean. However, with one wave, it is
completely washed away. Can the ant ever know the depth of the ocean? In the
same way, you too can never understand the principle of Swami.
But experience that which has been given to you. This Sai has
come to you on account of great merit. Make use of Him. You will never again
get this opportunity of serving His Lotus Feet. Awake, awake, awake from this
You are going home in your vacations. Behave in a proper way.
Bring good name to your parents. Get a good name in the society. If you have no
work, there are so many Sai centres, go and serve there. Service, service,
service – that is the goal of life. If you live in this way, the country will
prosper so well.
02-Do not
go for number of marks-Be a number one man instead-3.03-2006 March 30
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Become a "Number One" individual |
Therefore, having devotion, discharge your duties, pursue your
studies, practice all that you have learned and get a good name. Bhagawan never
tells you not to study. You must study. But that gives you only secular
knowledge – worldly Dharma. But spiritual knowledge is transcendental.
Therefore, efforts to have a steady heart and proper enquiry into one’s heart is
a must.
Students, you have completed one full year and are going home.
Tomorrow onwards you will be going through the paper, “Will my number come or
not? Will my number come or not (in the examination result sheet)?” You will
concentrate only on this. The one who keeps on focusing on the number will
never get a good number (pass percentage in the results). It is not the number
that you need to look for. You must enquire into your heart. “Did I write the
paper well or not? If I have written well, I will surely pass. If I have not
written well and still my number comes in the paper, then I should actually not
feel happy. Therefore, do not keep an eye on the number alone. Rather, you
should become a “number one” man. (Applause)
your parents during vacation and make them happy-2.30-2006 April 07
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Serve your parents during vacations and make them happy |
good company-Serve mother and father-Visit hospitals and do service-3.09-1996
March 31
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Serve your mother and father. Visit hospitals and serve patients. |
At times, your mother will go to the market. You too go with her.
Carry the items purchased by your mother. How happy your mother will be! She
will feel, “Oh, how much my son is serving me”. This is the happiness you must
give to your mother who has nurtured you for nine months in her womb. Even
while seeing your mother carrying all the items, if you sit on a chair and ask,
“Oh, mother, when did you come?”, she will think, “Oh, what a worse child has
been born from my womb”. Therefore never give pain to your mother. Help your
mother. Serve your mother.
If your father is doing some work at home, ask him, “Father, do
you want me to help you? I will surely do?” This should be the way and not
simply sitting on a chair and whiling away all the time eating and sitting,
eating and sitting.
Enter the society and undertake service. Many of you who know
Bhajans, go and sing Bhajans. Or else, go and partake in social work. Go to the
hospitals and help the patients. If you cannot do any other help, look out for
poor patients and buy the medicines prescribed for them. If they are feeling
cold, get them some clothes. But never give them money. If you give them money,
you will be encouraging them to become beggars. Give them food, give them
clothes, give them necessary medicines, and help them. This is the type of
service you must participate in. If you undertake service in this manner, you
will receive great repute. You will be fulfilling the human birth that you have
05-We can
bring about change in parents through students-Swami does everything through
students-5.18-2001 November 21
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I do everything through students... |
Even before eating your food, you will be praying, “Brahmaaparnam Brahmahavir...”. Parents
too will witness this and feel, “Oh! See how much devotion he has”. Then you
must tell your mother, “Mother, the food that is gifted to us by God, must be
first offered to God before partaking it”. When we offer the food to God, it no
longer remains as food. It gets transformed into Prasaadam. There will be no defects in the Prasaadam. When you explain like this to your parents, they too
will take liking to this and will start chanting the prayer.
Therefore, if we wish to bring parents onto the right path, it
must be done through their children. Therefore, we must set the children on the
right path and through them we must make an attempt to advice the parents.
Whatever we do, we should do it perfectly well.
When we go home, we should go out and do some service. If some
friend comes home, we must talk to them with respect and courteously. “Please
sit down, my father will be coming shortly”, saying so you must give them a
glass of water and make them happy. Witnessing such a conduct and behaviour,
will bring about a change in parents too.
We cannot advice parents in our schools. We must advice students
to conduct appropriately and through them show the right path to parents. Therefore, it is not possible for us to
change the parents. We cannot go that far. First, change our students. When the
students are transformed, they will go and transform their parents.
A small example: In a house, once every week, they used to
prepare mutton. When our students go home, they say, “Oh my dear son, you have
been in Puttaparthi for one long year, you have not eaten any chicken, sheep or
fish”. Saying so, they prepare all the dishes and serve the children with love.
Then the boy should say, “Mother, I will not do this bad act. Why should I kill
one being to keep this being alive? This is not good for me. You are going just
by the body. You are offering flesh to this body which is made up of the very
same flesh. We must offer nectar to this body made up of flesh. We must partake
sacred food. We must partake food given to us by God. We should not eat
non-vegetarian food that enhance our bad qualities and bad actions. When once
the children keep telling like this again and again, they too will get
I know of many such cases. After the children have come to our
college, through them, their parents too have given up non-vegetarian food.
Therefore, everything is through students, through students. This is a very
easy path!
Satvic diet during vacations and inspire your parents too-4.40-2005 November 22
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Maintain Satvic diet. When food and head go together in the wrong direction, one forgets God. |
When you go outside, everybody will say, “Oh these boys are from
Sathya Sai Hostel, they are very good boys!”. Supposing our boys act in a
perverted way, they will only teach them a lesson. “Ayya (Mister), you are from Sathya Sai Hostel, should you be eating
such food?” It is not good. Give up that habit. In this manner, they will only
teach the boys a lesson. Therefore, you must teach others, but never give scope
to be taught by others.
Many students who came here earlier, with lot of devotion and
sincerity, exhibited very bad behaviour after going out. Very few are like
that, rest all are very good boys. Those who have joined our Hostel and our
College currently are good boys. Such students were not available earlier. I
desire and Bless that from today onwards our students should cultivate good
qualities and get prepared to teach others. Thus, I bring My Discourse to a
A Short
01-What according to Bhagawan should be our approach towards the
results of our examinations?
02-Wherein lays the fulfilment of having been educated in Sathya
Sai College?
03-How does Bhagawan stress on the need to run away from bad
04-How does Bhagawan expect us to serve our mother?
05-How does Bhagawan expect us to serve the patients in hospitals?
06-When parents are not in favour of children following the path
laid down by Bhagawan, how should they explain the truth to their parents?
07-How does Bhagawan expect us to treat guests and friends who
visit our homes?
08-In the pretext of the son answering to the mother, Bhagawan
actually tells us why one should not consume non-vegetarian food? What is the
message He conveys to us?
09-How does Bhagawan expect students from Sathya Sai Hostel to
conduct themselves? What is the type of peer pressure that they would face
according to Bhagawan?